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Leadership Lab at Carmel By The Sea 

Learn to be a facilitative leader to take your team to the next level of performance

​LL-CBS is designed to build specific leadership knowledge, and teach leaders to apply these techniques with skill. Its cornerstone is action learning through participation in group activities and experiences that are structured to drive specific learning objectives. Additionally, pair and trio skill-building sessions with skill-checks, role-playing, discussion groups, and small group problem solving which will reinforce individual learning and the ability to use new leadership skills.  


Customer Satisfaction: “This workshop really exceeded even my highest expectations. I gained a wealth of new insights, knowledge, and skills that I will use in my work everyday.”  


Description: LL-CBS is not ‘taught’ in the traditional sense. It is designed using the Adult or Experiential Learning Model in which participants actively engage with seasoned laboratory leaders and peers in structured learning experiences. 


Over the four-day LL-CBS the following can be expected: 

  • Meaningful discussion of learning experiences with facilitators and peers 

  • Practical application of learned principles to specific leadership situations 

  • Heightened awareness, an environment of safety, mindfulness, growth, and new insights 

  • Ample opportunities to give and receive feedback 

  • New friendships 

  • Inspired California cuisine (plus a bit of ‘local’ wine) 

  • Having fun! 


Leadership Laboratory-CBS methods include short presentations, journaling, and reading assignments. We will emphasize the practical real-life, on-the-job application of leadership skills in all workshop materials and concepts. 


Areas of LL-CBS Focus: The following learning modules will be introduced during the four days:  

  • Adult learning 

  • Content and process dimensions of work and interactions with others 

  • Giving and receiving feedback 

  • Interdependence and communication in conflict situations 

  • Team dynamics and how to align leadership behavior with stages of team development 

  • Active and engaged facilitation 

  • Competition and collaboration 

  • Coaching and counseling 

  • Accountability in leadership roles 


Participants: Small to medium-sized groups (up to 5-30 people)  


Time Required: LL-CBS is typically taught over four-consecutive days, but it is possible at a client’s request to present it in module form, each module requiring approximately one-day.  


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